General Rules

  1. Non-affixed furniture may be moved within the rooms they are located. Large furniture (Loveseats and Sofas)  may be moved within the Boho and mixed use room but not into the Dark & Moody room. Vice versa applies to large furniture in the Dark & Moody room. 

  2. DO NOT drag any furniture pieces or props across the floors. Furniture dollies are available in the storage room. 

  3. All props taken from the props storage room or moved around during your rental must be put back where you found them. 

  4. No sand, glitter, sparklers, oil based sprays , smoke bombs or confetti allowed in the studio. Any messes of any kind must be completely cleaned up before leaving.

  5. Cake smashes are allowed but please bring a blanket/rug to put under the cake or use the white floor panels provided by the studio. You may also use one of the drop down seamless papers.  All traces of cake/food and residue must be gone and cleaned up properly. 

  6. Events, parties, classes, workshops or similar activities are prohibited without prior approval from management. 

  7. DO NOT prop open the front or back door. 

  8. No unattended minors allowed in the studio. 

  9. Pets are only allowed in the studio if prior approval has been obtained from management. 

  10. There is absolutely NO SMOKING in the studio. 

  11. Studio thermostat is not allowed to be changed during your rental. If you need it changed please text the Studio Manager in your email first for approval, or if staff is on premises ask them to do so. 

  12. Under no circumstances may you share the code to access the Studio with anyone outside of our rental agreement. 

  13. Damages to the space, furniture or equipment in any way will result in a damage fee. Client shall inspect and notify management  immediately of any damage in the studio at the start of the rental. The studio and all items must be left in the same state you entered it in. 

  14. The Studio can only be rented for legal activities. If it is determined that an illegal activity has been carried out in the studio, the relevant authorities will be notified. If an administrative fine is imposed on the Company due to an illegal activity of the Client, the Client is obliged to pay this amount to the company upon the first request. 

  15. Rental time starts & ends at the reservation time. This includes any and all setup and clean-up. Overage fee’s shall apply. Your pincode is only good for the time you booked, it will not work prior to or after your time is up.