Frequently Asked Questions

Is set up & clean up time included within the session time booked?

Yes. Please include enough time for your set up & clean up. It is very important that you start & end on time.

When do I get my personal pincode?

Your entry pin number will be sent via email the day before your booked session. Please be aware that it wont work prior to your booked time. It will also expire at the end of your booked time, be careful not to forget anything inside the studio.

Do I have to pay extra for seasonal sets?


It’s all included in the hourly rental price. Just book during the themed set dates.

Is there a studio manager on site?


There is a sign on the office door that will tell you if we are in office or out of office.

If were in feel free to knock if you have questions. Or need help moving furniture.

If we're not we are always available via text and email.

Are photographers included?


But if you need a recommendation we have a list of fantastic local photographers you can contact.

Are pets allowed?

Pets are allowed in the studio if prior approval has been obtained from management. Please use the cleaning supplies and provided lint roller.